Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Can I receive commissions on my personal transactions?
A: Yes.
Q: Can I place referrals to anyone I want?
A: Yes
Q: What do I do if I am not sure who to refer it to?
A: We can provide screened specialists for you to interview
Q: What if I am unsure of my license status?
A: We can help you with that.
Q: What is my commission split
A; 80/20
Q: What will the total cost be as a referral agent?
A: The annual fee to be licensed with us is $99. If you generate a referral, the $99 is refunded. If your broker refers you, this fee is waived. Your commission split is 80/20, and there are no other fees.
Q: How quickly can you transfer my license?
A: It takes approximately 15 minutes to transfer your license. If you need to be reinstated or are a new agent, it takes approximately seven days for the state to approve it.
Q: Can I get current real estate information?
A: Yes, you can request our monthly real estate update with statistics and current trends.